Looking for a New Weight Loss Program? Check Out Our Review of the Diet Solution Program

What is the diet solution program?

The diet solution program is an all natural diet and nutrition program on the internet dedicated to help you lose weight and be healthy at the same time. This program consists of a 180 page eBook whilst also providing you with online videos, articles and support 24/7 with multiple fat loss strategies to see stubborn fat come right off your body. The eBook and subsequent weight loss material was created by Isabel De Los Rios, a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist who prides herself on creating this new and innovative way to lose weight, providing a different approach to nutrition setting her apart from other weight loss professionals.

How does it work?

The diet solution program identifies three metabolic categories to which the eBook helps to determine which one you fall into. The three metabolic categories consist of Carbohydrates, Protein or Mixed each having a specific detailed meal plan with specific amounts of related foods needed to be consumed in order to achieve weight loss. Along with the meal plan the diet solution program also specifies the need to regularly exercise and journal your food progress in order to achieve optimal weight loss over the period of your journey.

How to Find Weight Loss Solutions That Work For You

Are you struggling with weight loss? If you are then there is a place that you can find weight loss solutions that will work for even the biggest food lovers and the busiest lifestyles. Often time people who are trying to lose weight become discouraged because all the advice they get just seems impossible for them to adhere to. If you are one of these people, then I have some good news. There are weight loss solutions for you that will work in your life and help you keep the weight off.

Most people that struggle with weight loss are adverse to the idea of giving up everything they love to eat. They also do not care for the idea of exercising for hours a day, or if they wanted to, their busy lives simple do not permit it. So how do you lose the weight and keep it off with out giving up all you love or killing yourself with exercise? Well, you simply find ways to implement smaller and simpler changes to your eating habits that are not so drastic that you find yourself discouraged and giving up - and yet these small simple changes actually work.

Even the smallest changes can make a big difference when you are searching for the perfect weight loss solutions for you. Do you want to be able to keep a lot of your favorite foods in your menu and still lose weight? You can. Do you want to do a minimal amount of exercise and still shed the pounds? You can. You can learn to consistently make better decisions that will help you meet your goals and yet not make such drastic changes that you find yourself giving up.

Every time you go to eat something, make a better choice. Whether its as simple as eating a smaller portion than you normally would have. For every one of your unhealthy food choices, try to find a healthier alternative. You do not have to give up everything you love, just make a healthier choice each time you are going to get something to eat.

On top of those simple changes, you can use some very easy ways to start getting active. Yes, you are going to have to get active, but you will not need to start killing yourself with exercise to see results. Walking is a great way to prime your body to lose weight. Not miles upon miles every day. Just add steps wherever you can. When you look at your activity level in terms of steps and not miles, it is not so overwhelming. Once you start adding steps where you can, you will automatically start competing with yourself. This is natural. The more you become active, the better you will feel the more active you will want to become.

As far as your diet goes, do not think of your diet menu in terms of what you have to take away. Think of it in terms of what you can add. There are wonderful options out there that by adding them to your diet, you continue to prime your body for weight loss. Fruits are a great source of nutrient ad vitamins and they really do kill the sweet tooth cravings. There is such a huge array of vegetables out there that you are bound to find some you like. Just as you may do with a child who you ca not get to eat their veggies; eat them first. Both fruits and vegetables have fiber, another important addition to any diet, let alone one designed to help you reach your weight loss goals. Eat slowly to give yourself time to fill up, and you will find that you are getting full on healthier foods thereby leaving less room for unhealthy foods.

Weight loss solutions that work are ones that do not deprive you. They are small and simple changes to your everyday routines that do not put your system into shock. As you start making healthier choices where ever you can, you leave less room in your life for the unhealthier choices. Not only that, you are slowly but surely weaning yourself from the unhealthy lifestyle you currently live to the healthy lifestyle that you want to live. As you start to feel better almost immediately, having more energy, feeling less groggy, and feeling better emotionally, this will encourage you to continue making better decisions. This is how you start losing the weight and not gaining it back for once. Weight loss solutions that tell you to give up everything you love and stick to exercise routines you hate are not long term solutions.

Basically what this boils down to is learning how to make better decisions all the way around. Eat less of the unhealthy items, eat more of the healthy items, and slowly start getting more active. Nothing to jolt your system. The possibility of longevity in your weight loss depends on finding weight loss solutions that you can live with and work with your life, not matter how busy it may be. Finding the right weight loss solutions for you are priceless. Reaching your goal weight without sacrificing everything you are accustomed to is fantastic. So get started right now. Success is yours for the taking.

Jennifer Nocchi is a freelance writer that enjoys finding topics that interest people, investigating them, and then sharing her own experience with them. For this article, she found a site that has helped many people lose weight and keep it off - including herself. She encourages you to find your weight loss solutions at Weight Loss Solutions That Work []

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5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips

Looking for an effective method to shed weight without starving yourself? Then you should definitely try the natural way! Losing weight naturally is a much safer solution to dropping those excess pounds, and it's also a lot less expensive compared to other weight loss techniques such as liposuction, stomach stapling, and so on.

To get you started, go ahead and check out these best natural weight loss tips we've compiled for you. Incorporate them into your daily routine and you'll soon see a huge difference in your physique!

The 5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips

1. Eat More Slowly
Studies show that it takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to realize that your stomach is full. So if you eat too quickly, you'll be consuming more food than you actually need to feel satisfied-and that will naturally increase your weight over time. The key is to eat more slowly so you can better control your servings and improve your metabolism. If you still don't feel satisfied after your meal, just wait a while. Eventually your brain will tell you that you're full and your appetite for more food will disappear.

2. Use a Small, Blue Plate
According to color psychology, blue is the least appetizing color. One obvious reason is because we use it to convey sadness and depression. Another is because in the olden times, the colors blue, black and purple were often signs of possibly poisonous food like berries. It is wired in our human consciousness to avoid these colors in food (most especially blue), so use this fact to lose weight by eating off a small, blue plate. Blue will psychologically make you eat less, while the small plate size will encourage you take lesser servings as opposed to a large plate where you always feel the need to fill the whole thing.

3. Eat Superfoods
Superfoods are natural foods that have health benefits. They're not just healthy to eat but also practical for weight loss because they help increase metabolism. They also contain lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which do wonders for your body. Superfoods are composed of the following:

- Fruits: Apples, avocados, bananas, berries, grapefruit, melons, oranges, papaya, pears, pomegranates
- Nuts: Almonds, brazils, pine nuts, walnuts
- Veggies: Asparagus, beans, broccoli, celery, chickpeas, cucumber, pepper, kale, lentils, potatoes
- Protein: Cereal, brown rice, eggs, oatmeal, salmon, yogurt
- Others: Apple cider vinegar, dark chocolate, green tea, honey, olive oil, red wine, soup

Include them in your daily diet to get the full health benefits and keep your body from gaining weight.

4. Have Protein Early in the Day
Adding some protein in your breakfast will make you feel fuller so you'll eat less throughout the day. Eggs, oatmeal, peanut or almond butter, yogurt, cheese and salmon are some options you can incorporate into your first meal of the day.

5. Take Safe & Natural Weight Loss Supplements
Lastly, take a natural weight loss supplement to help you achieve your ideal weight faster. Choose dietary supplements with all-natural extracts such as Garcinia Cambogia because it helps suppress your appetite, curbs emotional snacking, enhances your mood, boosts your energy and blocks fat from being formed. Because of its remarkable benefits, Garcinia Cambogia is considered as one of the most effective supplements for losing weight so be sure to include it in your daily diet.

Daniel J. Harris is a professional photographer in Las Vegas. He spends most of his free time biking, running, gardening and other outdoor activities to stay fit and healthy.

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Best Natural Weight Loss Solutions

Why are so many people struggling to find natural weight loss solutions these days? It's a well known fact that obesity is on the rise, especially amongst children. Unfortunately, all too often, people are turning to radical measures such as surgery or extreme diet pills to lose weight although such radical weight loss solutions are in fact only necessary for a very small percentage of us. Part of the reason why this remains such a major problem for so many people is the fact that we live in a fast-paced society that emphasizes eating junk food and basically sitting behind a computer or in front of the TV all day long. As stress and anxiety builds in our lives, we look for ways to relieve that stress and for many people that relief is found by eating more food than is necessary.

What You Need To Do

You need to stop and ask yourself whether or not you are truly serious about losing weight and finding the right natural weight loss solutions. That sounds blunt, but 90% of losing weight is discipline and determination. The other 10% is having the right resources and diet program to make sure all that hard work doesn't go to waste. Having discipline means portion control every time you eat a meal and fighting the temptation to simply eat more food or eat more often because it's available. If you set about the right eating patterns, that's half the battle already won. You don't need to starve yourself or skip breakfast (in fact studies have shown that eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and helps you to lose weight easier). You just have to have the right eating patterns so that you can focus on the right natural weight loss solutions.

Natural Weight Loss Tips

Many experts highly recommend that one of the best natural weight loss ideas is to simply monitor what you are eating. The reason why this makes a lot sense is because you don't necessarily want to find yourself in a situation where you are forcing yourself to follow some dramatic new diet which may ultimately prove to be far too aggressive at an early stage in your dieting journey. I found this through my own experiences, and i'm sure you have too. I would find a new diet that would claim it could knock pounds off in a week and I'd buy it and start following it. Sure i might have lost a few pounds, but because its such a radical change to your body, it only takes a week or so before you are feeling under-nourished or fatigued and you end up straying from the diet. That's why i finally turned to natural weight loss solutions. These kind of programs allow you to take it easy, changing just a few elements of your diet at a time which allow you to lose weight but also ensure you don't relapse and go on an eating binge.

In addition to modifying how much food you eat, and hopefully improving the overall quality of the food you eat, you also need to then turn your attention to what kind of exercise you are getting on a daily basis. If you just sit and watch TV all day you will slowly but surely become very unfit and unhealthy and you will gain weight. Just half an hour of activity that raises your heart rate 5 times a week will help you immensely in feeling healthier as well as boosting your heart and respiratory systems.

To summarize then, the best natural weight loss solutions involve structuring your eating patterns, eating less junk food, getting a bit more exercise, and most important of all -- having the discipline and commitment to stick to a regime. Short of having an accountability partner or coach, it can be a great help to purchase a natural weight loss program to give you a map for your journey to a slimmer you.

If your serious about losing weight then you need to get the right advice. Give yourself the best chance of succeeding with your next weight loss program by getting all the best Natural Weight Loss tips.

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Best Health Care Websites

Today there are literally thousands of medical websites online. But which are the best health care websites? Which can you trust? Needless to say, you should be extremely careful which Internet sites you rely on for vital health information and advice! Following are three proven, reliable health care megasites which, by common consent, are among the most reliable and trustworthy.

1. Mayo Clinic

"The Needs Of The Patients Come First" has been the primary and the underlying principal of this world-renowned nonprofit healthcare clinic established by the Mayo brothers in 1889 in Rochester Minnesota. The company's huge website, at, provides diagnostic and treatment information on virtually every disease and ailment known, all of which are listed alphabetically.

If you click on, say, Acute Leukemia, the link takes you to a page offering an overview of the disease, as well as a listing of the various blood tests and other diagnostic methods available. The patient can then read details about treatment options which are available. One especially nice feature of the site is that it offers stories of real people who have won the battle against serious illnesses such as acute leukemia.
Additional features include complete profiles of the various doctors who are serving at the Mayo Clinic and the capability to make online appointments with them. You can also refill prescriptions and view and pay bills on the site.

2. WebMD is an amazing source of online medical information. True to its punch line, "Better Information, Better Health", this website has a lot to offer. For starters, it can be used to locate a specialist or a hospital close to your home location. If you are planning to take a drug that is new to the market, then you definitely need to visit the review section to find details about it before starting to use it.

On the WebMD home page you can find a number of attractive slide show packages dealing with topics varying from how to increase the chances of pregnancy, to a recommended thirty minute workout schedule, to a slide show on dental fixes. There are lots of medical news tidbits as well as an Expert column that enables you to send a query to an expert. You can even post your own tips and advice on the message board. If you are overweight and planning a diet, then use the BMI calculator to find your ideal body weight and a calorie calculator to find how many calories you burn during half an hour walking expedition. The site has many other diagnostic features and services? too many to list here. Overall, it's terrific place to begin most kinds of online medical research. In fact, you may not need to look any further.

3. Revolution Health

Revolution Health ( is an amazingly comprehensive health information website. Take a few minutes to look it over - it's a resource you should probably bookmark. Registration is required but this merely requires that you provide your email address and set up a password. For this small investment in time you will have access to doctor-finding and rating tools, hospital comparative rating charts, disease/medication/treatment research tools, health risk assessment, exercise tracking tools, a 6-week healthy living program, many free newsletters, and much more. You can also sign up for a Premium Membership which provides a "Health Assistant and Advocate" to counsel you in dealing with virtually any type of health question or concern, from finding treatment options to dealing with your health insurance provider. It's a very cool, very useful site and you could spend many hours profitably perusing it.

Joseph Ryan is editor of Web Search Guides. This article is excerpted from "Web Search Guides - Health Care Megasites." To read the full article in context, including discussion and reviews of numerous more specialized health care websites, visit []

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Open the Best Health Business

You have a lot of options to choose from if you want to open the best health business. This page will list four of the best health businesses you can venture into.

First, there is the senior health care business. In the US, the population of seniors is on the rise. Naturally, these elderly people would require health care and assistance. Providing these health care services can be a very lucrative business for you. Moreover, the senior health care business can be put up at home or in commercial areas. You can also procure a franchise. So if you want to open the best health business, why not try a senior health care business?

Another great health business opportunity is the massage therapy business. One of the reasons why you should choose this business is that setup is relatively quick. You need to complete massage therapy training, but that can be done within just 12 months or even less. Your education will involve lots of hours spent on practical experience and this will help you a lot in building a client base. After graduation, you may want to volunteer your services in order to build up positive word-of-mouth from your clients, helping you to expand your business. In no time, your massage therapy business will be up and running!

Your desire to open the best health business or businesses can also be fulfilled with a medical coding and billing business. A medical billing and coding certificate can be obtained in 9-12 months. To build up your experience and potential client relationships, get employed first in medical offices for several months. You can start your business by offering your medical billing and coding business to your family doctors. You can also contact or give brochures to the physicians in your locality.

The fourth option if you want to open the best health business is a medical transcription business. Training can be completed in 6 months to 2 years. Connect with potential clients through employing yourself in medical offices first. You can also do the marketing approaches described above for the medical billing and coding business.

Dorothy Miller is a professional blogger. You can read her work on Cheap Health Insurance [] at that link.

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Best Fast Weight Loss Tips - Don't Stop Eating and Drink All The Water You Can

The best fast weight loss tips should tell you to not stop eating. Food is your fuel, not only to move and do what needs to be done, but in weight loss directly. We know that food and nutrients help our body functions everyday. Most people don't know that these foods affect exactly how much weight you lose and the frequency at which this process occurs. It's important to remember for fast weight loss tips it's not so much important to count calories(which no one wants to do) as it is to count your meals and time in between them.

Just because your body is moving doesn't always mean that your metabolism is moving at a level to burn fat. Fat burning is a natural process caused by the chemical reactions that happen within your body, namely within your metabolism.

We all know we must drink water, but keep in mind always that our bodies are comprised greatly out of water and this whole process needs an abundance of it to maximize results. Once you start having to go to the bathroom more often then you might usually, that is one indicator that you are getting enough water. Another very strong indicator is if when you urinate that your urine is colorless. This means you are flushing your system in a way that will promote the results that you seek.

You still have to watch what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat. Every two and half hours with a protein and a veggie or fruit. On the third and fifth meal have a light carbohydrate like rice or new potatoes. Each protein should be portioned out to four ounces for men and two ounces for women. The veggies (especially greens) you can have a little more of if you like.

Portion size will always be an issue. If you keep you meals small then you at this point won't have any need to count calories which, again, no on wants to do and shouldn't have to. This eating style ensures that your metabolism will have what it needs to burn fat for you all day long.

These fast weight loss tips should give a good start in your quest to lose weight fast. To stop eating is never the solution. Water is "the life" remember your body needs it even if your thirst doesn't require it at the moment.

Visit Austin here to lose weight in a week [] and get your own free gourmet fat burning meal plans.

And for more free weight loss information and to calculate your body mass index click here

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Solution Weight Loss - Some Top Tips Towards Losing Weight!

Losing weight can really be a significant struggle for many people, but in most cases this is because they are simply getting the wrong information. In order to lose weight in a gradual and healthy way there are some simple tips that need to be adhered to. These simple tips will help you to gradually shed the weight that you want in order to improve both your health and appearance as well. As such, consider some of these solution weight loss tips if you find yourself in this position.

One solution weight loss tips that you may want to consider is simply the idea of eating small a regular meals and not infrequent large ones. The common consensus all over many parts of the world is to simply have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, there are several problems with this.

One main problem with this is simply the fact that people tend to snack in between these meals and this is a real reason why people tend to lose weight and struggle to get rid of it. In addition, eating meals in this fashion is not the best way to build up your metabolism. Building up your metabolism is best done by eating small regular portions, and this helps to create significant fat burning within your body.

Another solution weight loss would be to really consider the specific targets and goals that you have and then strive to hit them. Setting yourself specific targets is extremely important when trying to achieve anything, and the same is true of losing weight. If you want to lose weight gradually and healthily, set yourself a long-term goal, and then short-term targets that will help you to meet that goal.

Consider taking certain weight loss supplements within your nutritional routine as well. There are many different fat burning supplements that are both highly affordable and highly effective, and therefore you should consider incorporating these into your daily routine in order to increase your body's fat burning potential.

In addition, one obvious solution weight loss is to simply get as much exercise as you possibly can. Eating the right foods is the most important aspect towards losing weight, but if you can engage in a regular exercise regime this will be extremely helpful and complementary to your fat burning goals.

One of the problems with exercising is that people who are carrying excess weight really struggle to even start off on the right foot in this respect. However, this is why it is very important for anyone who is starting to exercise to choose exercises that they will enjoy. There is no reason to engage in something that you will not enjoy as this will simply put you off the idea completely. Instead, consider the types of activities and exercises that you will both enjoy and that would get your heart rate going, and incorporate this into your routine.

When all is said and done, the best solution weight loss is simply to eat the right foods and make sure that you do this in the right portions. Cutout cravings, over eating, and eating at the wrong times, and you should lose weight gradually and healthily.

For more information on Solution Weight Loss - Some Top Tips Towards Losing Weight go here: []. You may also find [] a very helpful web site.

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Find The Best Weight Loss Program

According to American Dietetic Association every year Americans throws 33 Billion Dollars on weight loss program, foods, services and products. So, it is no surprise that you will find many fad diets and other so-called best weight loss programs in this flourishing market.

With the arrival of fad diets, special exercise regiments and all manner of junk science, it won't be easy for most of us to distinguished good weight loss program from the bad weight loss program. There are no extensive scientific studies conducted for different weight loss programs. However we do find a few scientific studies conducted on different weight loss programs, which is either contradictory or supporting a particular weight loss program.

In absence of any scientific studies, if you find out that majority of serious sources agrees on certain bodybuilding program then you may safely rank that program as the best bodybuilding program. In the best interest of your physical health, there is no doubt that you have to lose the extra fat. You have gained this extra fat due to your poor lifestyle and your bad eating habit. You can reduce your extra fat by following the best weight loss program.

What is the best weight loss program? The best weight loss program is that, which is easily affordable, rational and flexible - a well organized program, which you would like to stick with.

What is the mechanism of weight loss?In theory the mechanism of weight loss is very simple. Our overall body weight is determined by the calories we consume and the calories we burned. You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burned. Similarly you lose weight if you consume fewer calories and burned more calories.

All is not that simple I know many people who exercising daily and eating well but still they complain that they are not losing any weight. That's why you have to follow the best weight loss program.

Types of weight loss program

Broadly speaking there are three types of bodybuilding programs.

1. Do-it-yourself weight loss programs: This type of weight loss programs are preferred by the busy people, who has very little time to go to the gym or clinic. This type of program may be done at home alone or with the help of someone. They rely heavily on the books, videos and other such materials for the guidance.

2. Non-clinical weight loss programs: This type of weight loss programs is mostly professionally managed. You have to go to their premises for daily or thrice in a week for the consultation. They also use different weight loss and diet books. They will monitor your weight loss and give you counseling regarding your eating habit and your diet.

3. Clinical weight loss programs: This type of weight loss program is conducted mostly in hospitals or other health care units. This program is recommended to very overweight people. The weight loss is monitor by the nurses, physicians, psychologist and the dietitians.

Before finding the best weight loss program, you have to decide which type of weight loss program is suitable for you. Then start researching for the weight loss program that suits you best.

Choose that weight loss program which has exercise programs built in and also gives emphasis on lifestyle changes. This will help you to lose weight and keep it off for a longer time and at the same time it will also keep you fit and healthy. It is your health. So, do some homework to find the best weight loss program for you. The best weight loss program does not hammer you to change your food habit drastically. It does not ask you to join a posh gym or hiring a personal trainer.

Author Ajay Charvak is a consultant for weight loss program. He has review many e books which deals with the weight loss program. You can find here the best weight loss program [] e book.

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Weight Loss Diet Pills - Best Types

f you are overweight and don't have ideal medium for constant exercising and following strict diets - weight loss diet pills might be of great value as they do help in promoting weight loss.

Whatever being told of diet pills - they can really help us turn our dreams of getting slim into reality. I mean they will not do it instead of us, but they do help.

And if we start surfing internet in attempts to find that help - thousands of brands, names, claims rush into our brain. But we probably have two main questions:

1. Will weight loss pills work?

2. What we can expect from using them?

In this article I will answer these questions and tell you about most widespread types of weight loss diet pills. How each type works and what to expect and avoid.

Among hundreds of different brands we have certain types of weight loss diet pills. They are differed by type of action and there are 3 basic types - fat burners, appetite suppressants or fat blockers. They can be both prescription drugs and over-the-counter or natural weight loss pills - doesn't matter now. Let's discuss the first type of diet pills.

Fat burners or metabolism boosters

How they work

Fat burners help our body in breaking down the fat, internally. Once released from fat cells, fat enters the blood stream as free acids that are then carried to muscle cells where they are burned through our natural or enhanced physical activity. Notice that fat burners don't burn the fat themselves - it's your body that burns it, fat burners just help in breaking fat.

Possible bad sides

I have to say that fat burners is the most "dangerous" type of weight loss pills, as they use banned or under researched components that reach metabolic boost at a heavy cost of different discomfort and side effects. Most of weight loss pills from unknown companies sold only in the internet are fat burners - there's real plenty of them.

Another bad thing about fat burners is that there are too many brands online so it is hard to discern frauds from good ones.

Appetite suppressants

Appetite suppressants are the most widespread type of diet pills now. Most of prescription pills are appetite suppressants, including Phentermine, Meridia, Acomplia and other brands. It's the oldest type of weight loss drugs that is used effectively by overweight people.

How they work

These pills take away the desire to eat and allow you to ingest fewer calories as your food cravings decrease. Their components usually affect our brain making us feel full longer.

Possible bad sides

Mostly appetite suppressants are prescribed and their active ingredients are chemicals that have side effects. There are natural appetite suppressants also. With the growing popularity of natural appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii too many frauds appeared on the market. You can see lots of products claiming to contain original Hoodia Gordonii but there are no real evidences that this is true.

Fat blockers

Fat blockers are becoming more and more popular now because fat blocking is probably safest and healthiest weight loss assist in comparison with other methods.

Among prescription diet pills the most known is Xenical, that blocks fat by affecting lipase enzymes responsible for fat ingestion. Unfortunately it's a drug that has side effects. Alli is the same half-dosed Xenical in a new brand name.

Possible bad sides

If saying of orlistat (Xenical and Alli) - those drugs show moderate weight loss effect but uncomfortable side effects, like abdomen discomfort, diarrhea, and the inability to absorb a lot of important fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. Another thing to mention that if you are on low fat diet, fat blockers will not help you much, so use them with low carb diets and your weight loss will be much better.

Possible good sides Compared to other types of diet pills, fat blockers are great for long term steady weight loss. Those are clinically proven results and experts are at one in thinking that combination of proper diet and exercise with fat blockers brings healthy weight loss. Combining fat blockers with low carb nutrition is probably a best way to make sure that you can really lose a lot more weight than usually.

Natural fat blocker alternatives

Among natural fat blockers most widespread is chitosan. Unfortunately, recent scientific tests by BioSerae Labs (France) proved weak fat blocking capacities of chitosan. It remains great for regulating your cholesterol though.

As fat blocker, acting somewhat like Xenical but binding fats directly in the stomach, Proactol is now leading weight loss pill in terms of long term efficacy. It acts safely and helps lose weight steadily and prevent weight gain if we eat fatty meals. It is one of the rare cases when natural active ingredient has passed double-blind clinical studies and weight loss pill is backed medically. UK Daily Express (November 2006) featured weight loss success story, when young woman used Proactol in her weight loss program and went from 95 to 62 kg for several months.

Final words

As we can see, weight loss diet pills are not weight loss panacea, whatever claims we can hear about them.

But why they are so popular? Simple, they do work and people do really make weight loss easier using diet pills. And now the more and more effective and credible solutions appear on the market. You may never expect 100 % efficacy from them, but if you have a dream of slimmer and healthier body - you can achieve it and weight loss pills is great help.

Whichever weight loss pill type you prefer, our advice - choose well known brands from reputable companies and good research evidences.

Anthony Voronoff is an expert maknig reviews and comparisons of proven natural weight loss pills from reputable brands. If you want to discover top natural weight loss pills proven for efficacy and positively rated by customers, visit Best weight loss pills now.

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Free Fitness Programs

There are a variety of fitness programs available at different fitness centers. They range from weight loss programs to exercise programs or a combination of both. There are also a few fitness programs that are available online. These programs usually have an initial free trial period for people to get a feel of the actual program.

The first aspect of any fitness program is the assessment of fitness needs. It is essential to chalk out a plan, taking into consideration the medical history and needs of an individual. The type and style of diet or exercise regime is suggested after learning this history. This enables the individuals to stay on track and in turn motivates them to continue with the program.

People having home gyms can continue with the exercises at home. If not, they can use the facility at the center free of charge during the trial period. If they find the effects of the program during the trial period satisfactory, they can go ahead with the regular plans.

A sample of various exercises is allowed during the trial period. A person can then specify comfort levels with each exercise and they can be later included in the regular plan. These online programs also provide video demonstration as online training. They also train in exercising of specific body parts.

Although it is not possible for fitness centers to provide totally free fitness programs, they provide free consultation such as free fitness profiles and free assessment for fitness plans. Most of these centers offer a maximum period of thirty days as a free trial period. This free period can be enough to motivate people who are not accustomed to exercising on a regular basis.

These free trial periods are usually a marketing strategy adopted by fitness centers. It is therefore necessary to approach centers that have experienced consultants and are well reputed.

Fitness Programs [] provides detailed information on Fitness Programs, Fitness Training Programs, Golf Fitness Programs, Kid Fitness Programs and more. Fitness Programs is affiliated with Gym Equipment.

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How to Choose the Right Fitness Program If You Are Over 50

It is an exciting time where so many people are engaging in a wide range of fitness programs. The number of programs available today is the greatest that it has ever been and everyone can find a program that suits them. Programs based on speed, strength, endurance and flexibility will improve any area of your fitness level through active and consistent participation. Before signing up for that next fitness class some preliminary thought could help making your choice of a suitable fitness program easier and allow you to select a program with sustainability. Those that have made the right choice of fitness programs have reported ongoing benefits including; more energy, vitality and quality of life. Here are a number of areas to consider before choosing a fitness program.

o State of Health
o Lifestyle
o Body Type
o Objectives

State of Health

When choosing the right fitness program at any age should include an evaluation and assessment of any health issue concerns at the time. There are various fitness avenues a person can take and each will place different demands on the mind and body. Health issues should be considered when looking at each discipline and how the individual will be impacted by the demands. It is prudent to involve your primary care physician in making a selection so that any health issues may be addressed and a plan of recommendation can be used to make a wise decision. Because there is such a large selection of fitness programs available most limitations caused by health issues which may impose restrictions on an individual can be accommodated. Exercise is basically moving the body and any type of consistent movement is going to provide benefits as a result.

Participants in exercise programs who may have joint limitations can select a program with low impact on the joints and receive a whole host of fitness and health benefits. Programs are available at all levels including beginner, intermediate or advanced and can accommodate many individuals with various health issues. If there is a will, then there is a way to meet your fitness goals but it must be done logically and intelligently.


Various fitness routines require different levels of activity and assessing which routine fits best into the lifestyle of the participant is an important selection criteria. Fitness is a change of lifestyle which includes the fitness routine merging into the daily activities of the participant. If your lifestyle is moderately active then a fitness routine which promotes moderate levels of energy will be a choice which is better suited for you and has the best chances of being sustained over the long-term. Another fact is the time you have available to devote to a fitness program. Some regimes require more time then others to achieve results. If you have 2 days a week available for working out then look for programs that can accommodate you and still provide timely benefits which are achievable. A mistake many people make is shooting too high at first and selecting a fitness routine completely off the scale in relation to their lifestyle. What they find is they are unable to sustain the regime, get discouraged and discontinue the program. Assess your lifestyle pace and the venue in which you would like to workout. There's indoor, outdoor, individual and group programs available and you can find one that requires a pace and environment you will enjoy and be able to sustain as part of a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Body Type

The reason that so many exercise and fitness programs have been developed is simply to accommodate the individuals participating in those programs. One of the criteria for selecting a fitness program is body type. Understand that different fitness programs place different demands on the body and require different energy levels from the participants also. Those of a larger stature have gravitated traditionally toward the strength based programs and those of a smaller stature have moved in the direction of the cardio based programs. All these individuals have made what they would consider programs which best suited them. If you ever considered a football team you don't see the larger linemen body types doubling as wide receivers. Their body types make them more suitable for the pace and demands which are placed on them as linemen. Fitness programs are the same. If you are choosing a fitness program that will best fit in with your lifestyle then your body type is a factor to consider as well. All body types can find regimes that best suit them and are able to provide ongoing health and fitness benefits derived from the programs. Those with higher energy levels are going to select those programs with high energy demands then those with lower energy levels. Programs exist which require short intense energy expenditures and also routines which require longer durations and less intensity. When selecting a fitness program consider your level of energy and the demands the regime or program will place on your energy level.


Gaining long-term benefits from a fitness program does require setting objectives you want to accomplish from the effort and consistency you put into the regime. Of course many individuals take a less organized approached to fitness and that is alright as long as they are comfortable with that kind of approach. Of course the power of setting goals and moving toward their accomplishment is proven effective for a long time and is recommended. If losing weight, building strength or gaining flexibility are some of the goals to be attained selecting programs which address these areas is made much simpler. Not all programs can deliver all benefits and meet all goals. Many programs specialize in the benefits attained from participation in them. Cardio programs are great for producing weight loss, energy and endurance but are limited when it comes to developing high levels of strength. Weight training would be more suitable if increasing levels of strength is your goal. Whatever program you decide to choose identifying objectives and setting goals will make your choose of program easier and more effective. And whatever program you choose be certain you are capable, the goals are obtainable and participation is enjoyable.

Richard Spillane. Most of my life I have personally been involved in Fitness in one format or another. As a business executive and manager of [] I encourage you to visit us and learn more about our services, fitness and nutrition information as well as the high quality products that are available for viewing and purchasing.

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The Total Health Weight Loss Plan

t is becoming increasingly evident that fad diets simply do not work. For those of us who are beginning to see the light and are beginning to take responsibility for our own health weight loss plan, this is good. We are through with fad diets once and for all. We are beginning to get the message that we have been sold a bill of goods. Not that some diets are completely evil, but we are beginning to see a bigger and more promising picture for our total health weight loss plan.

It is no longer about blind restrictions in what we should eat or not eat, but about our understanding of why. When we have an understanding of why, as is the case in any arena, it gives us an increasingly advantageous position of why we should follow through into the next step, which is carrying out the empowered action. Understanding empowers action.

Having said this let's take a look at sugar, for example. We have heard too much is bad for us, even though we crave the taste in the foods we choose to eat. Eating sweet stuff can be a special treat, but if we were to discover that excess sugar has detrimental consequences to our health, our decision to cut down would be played out as an empowered action.

Medical journals and science reports support the following ten facts in reference to taking in too much sugar in the diet.

1) Sugar suppresses the immune system - one can of soda (containing eight table spoons of sugar) can compromise it by 50%!

2) Excess sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body causing chromium and copper deficiencies.

3) Can cause a rapid rise in adrenaline, hyperactivity and crankiness in children.

4) Can cause a rise in the bad kind of cholesterol. 5) Loss of elasticity and function in your body tissues.(very bad)

6) Sugar feeds cancer cells- connected to development of breast and ovary cancer.

7) Can cause reactive hyperglycemia.

8) Can weaken eye sight.

9) Can cause premature aging.

10) Excess sugar contributes to obesity.

( "Lick That Sugar Habit" - Nancey Appleton. PhD. )

So in this example you can see how excess sugar may be killing you. To put it mildly, there are definite benefits to cutting down on sugar intake in relation to our total health weight loss plan.

If this information has been helpful and you have an interest in following up on the total health weight loss plan, please go here : and scroll down. There is a link to more helpful information.

English born Stephen John Baker is a contributor and originator of several blogs.

He is a lover of the word and the music of the soul. He is a songwriter, composer and engineer (Mr Stevi B and the Intergalactic Light Machine) and is also a lover of freedom as a citizen of the greatest country this world has ever known, the United States of America. Yes, I guess you could call him patriotic, and proud to be so. He is also a great believer in the adage "knowledge is power" and is a believer that understanding gained through knowledge is what infact, empowers action, especially in the arena of healthy weight loss: []

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Health Weight Loss Diet Is The Possible Way

The key for health weight loss diet is the determination and dedication to the goal of losing weight. The weight of a heavy person usually affects him or her in a lot of ways. Other than physical appearance, the weight can have an indirect impact on the quality of life, self confidence, mental health, and other physical constraints.

If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more energy than you take in through food. Increasing exercise can certainly help you do this and avoiding fast and other processed foods will make it easy to decrease calorie consumption as well as avoiding foods that elevate your blood glucose levels. The health weight loss diet menu is one you design for yourself. You will more easily be able to stick to an eating plan if it suits your lifestyle and budget. Make sure you include a variety of fruit and vegetables, some whole grains and lean meat or alternative protein.

Eating frequent but smaller meals would make an individual feel much fuller for a longer period of time. Skipping meals only promotes the urge to eat more during the following meal. The idea is to eat everything in moderation. This would inhibit binging and would encourage an individual to stick to the plan. Plan your meals, never allowing chance to dictate your diet. This will keep you on top of things, lessening the chance of eating badly on the spur of the moment.

It is best to continue with the regular healthy eating diet one had been used to at the start of the program, only gradually or ingesting "unhealthy" foods in moderation, so as not to necessarily deprive oneself of life's simple pleasures. If you don't believe that you can lose weight healthy, you never will. What we can achieve is often limited by what we believe we can achieve. Other people have managed to lose weight healthy and so can you.

Health weight loss diet plan info provides detailed information on Fast Weight Loss Diet []

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How Exercise Impacts Mental Health

You will hardly find a person who does not understand why physical exercises are important for health and body. However, not everyone knows there's a tight connection between physical activity and mental health. Experimental findings show that regular physical exercises can significantly improve mental health, while the lack of exercise may lead to a number of mental disorders. So where is the connection between mental health and exercising?

Based on a series of researches, scientists have suggested two theories explaining this connection. These are: social interaction and self-image theories. Social Interaction Theory shows the relation between mental health and social aspects of sporting activities, like social relations between members of the team, team spirit and mutual support. Studies have revealed that people unhappy with their body weight, as well as those who are not engaged in sports are generally more subjected to various mental disorders, like substance abuse, depression, aggression and anxiety. Folks engaged in sporting activities have a lower risk for developing such disorders.

Self-Image Theory

Both adults and teens want to have slim and well-shaped bodies. Achieving this is possible with regular exercise. Performing exercises is especially recommended for obese folks. People engaged in sporting activities usually have slimmer and better shaped bodies which undoubtedly attract the attention and sometimes green eyes of other folks. This, in turn, improves self-esteem. People having higher self-esteem rarely have problems with mental health, which is not the case with overweight folks.

Improve Health and Life with Physical Exercise

Both theories show that body weight perception has a direct impact on self-esteem and therefore mental health. Physical exercises do not only help control weight, but increase the level of norepinephrine which is the hormone that handles stressful situations when we face them. At the same time, we all know about endorphin which is known as the 'hormone of happiness'.

Regular exercises are a cost-effective and efficient way to improve physical and mental health. Sedentary lifestyle and metabolic problems may lead to a number of mental affections. If you want to avoid these problems, you need to review and change your current lifestyle. Even minor improvements to lifestyle will bring huge positive changes. Unfortunately, people suffering from mental diseases do not understand positive aspects of sporting activities. Even minor, but regular exercising (like dancing, evening walking, cycling, jogging, etc.) improves sleep disorders and relieves stress. A popular proverb says: a sound mind in a sound body. So, if you want to have a sound mind start working on your body now.

Of course, only mild types of depression can be cured with exercise. Visit our website to find detailed information about depression, its types and treatment options.

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Alternative Health - 7 Tips to Help With Your Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes or are overweight, you have an opportunity to turn things around and improve your health. Type 2 is characterized by two factors: abnormally high blood sugar levels, and high levels of insulin. Normally, blood sugar serves as one of your body's main fuels. If you didn't have blood sugar you wouldn't have the energy to get out of bed.

Insulin is also necessary for normal health but high insulin levels lead to many health issues including:

the prevention of fat loss and
the causation of weight gain.
Here are some basic rules that can help you lose weight when you have type 2 diabetes:
1. Once you get a "craving" for a sweet dessert, limit your portion size drastically. Instead of a whole slice of cake or pie, take only a mouthful or one-eighth of a portion and that's it. This will be difficult when you first start out but you will make great progress on your eating plan by reducing the size of your slice of cake, or eliminating it altogether.

2. Have plenty of munchies on your desk, or on hand, for times during the day when you feel like chewing something. These "munchies" should be foods that are low-GI carbohydrates. That means broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery, carrots, lettuce, radishes, and green beans. Learn to love these vegetables. It may be difficult at first, but you can do it! You'll soon discover that vegetables can be sweet. You could even add nuts and seeds/

3. Eating enough protein is important... enough protein means enough for your height and weight. Unfortunately, protein levels can't be generalized here; there's a specific amount that your body needs which is different than what your best friend needs. A minimum level is 60 grams for those 5 foot to 5 foot 3 in (152 to 160 cm) tall. The amounts go up from there.

4. Drink plenty of water during the day. This facilitates weight loss: water is necessary for the breakdown of fat. People with or without type 2 diabetes, who drink more water during their weight loss period will lose more weight than those who don't.

5. Give up all the fried foods and don't look back. Fried foods really don't do any good for your body anyway! When foods are fried, the fats are heated to high temperatures and this results in oxidation of the fat. And oxidized fat when loose in the body is the" kiss of death". It releases free radicals wherever it goes and these free radicals damage your body's cells.

6. Learn to love the taste of whole grain bread, forget about white. You can do this by noticing how you feel when you eat any whole grain. You can notice a difference, no more "sugar" slump.

7. Use balsamic vinegar to cook your meats and as a base for your salad dressing. It tastes sweet and will eliminate your sweet tooth.

A healthy approach to weight loss focuses on choosing the right kinds of foods, not on the quantity of food you eat. With the right foods on your side, weight loss is also automatic. Your weight will fall as will your blood sugar levels.

Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?

To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions ... it's based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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Four Bad Choices Often Made for Weight Loss and Health

Having since a young age dealt with weight issues, I have always had a keen interest in diet. In the last few years trying to overcome various health problems I have spent a great deal of time researching weight loss and health.

In life experiences, visiting various forums and reading comments left on weight loss articles I find that people who have never had a weight issue lack a certain understanding. Even people who work the same job and have the same basic lifestyle as I, tell me eat less move more. Failing to realize they are saying this while wolfing down a burger, fries and soda while I am eating a salad and drinking a bottle of water.

Yes, I agree with the basic premise of calories consumed versus calories used, however there must be more to the equation. I understand metabolism is a reason why some people seem to be able to eat whatever they want and not gain weight, while others seem to put on weight just looking at food. So, is a calorie just a calorie or do certain people metabolize types of foods differently?

That is my opinion, we do react differently to different food types. The trick is to determine which foods are your particular problem area. I have found I do better avoiding high carbohydrate foods, I never seem to get the sugar "rush" some talk about, however I can identify with the crash that follows. It is the same way with caffeine after two cups of coffee I get sleepy, so energy drinks are wasted on me.

I also have come to the conclusion, that even if certain foods do not cause a person to gain weight they are still unhealthy. Whether you want to lose weight or just maintain your health here four common mistakes I have learned people make.

1. Not having something for breakfast. The term breakfast literally comes from breaking a fast, since you were asleep it should have been the period of the day you went longest without eating. You should start the day with some protein perhaps an egg or two and try to cut back on the coffee and sugar in the morning. This will help dieters speed up their metabolism and provide stability for the rest of the day.

2. Trying to skip meals. Not eating when you're hungry will cause fat storing hormones to be released. If you feel hungry have a light snack handy, you do not have to eat a full meal, many diet guru's recommend a few almonds.

3. The diet, no diet, diet, no diet merry-go-round. I have been there before and it is not pretty. The best way I know, is start slow making small changes in your diet but not going on a "Diet". Add better healthier foods and slowly cut out the bad over time, though it is best to set a specific completion date, make it realistic.

4. Oil and water do not mix and neither does sugar and fat. When you eat sugar insulin is released causing you to store more fat. Sugar and fat combinations such donuts, ice cream, most desserts are tasty but a real health and weight loss nightmare. If you must have something sweet, make it low fat and containing fiber, preferably a piece fruit.

There are other mistakes made in a healthy diet, but working on these four will take you a long way down the road to health and weight loss. Remember exercise is an important factor in weight loss and health as well as improving quality of life. We are all different so research and experiment to find what works for you.

See my blog Getting Fit as a Baby Boomer

Take care and be well.

Tommy Douglas

Tommy Douglas is an over 50 Baby Boomer who interested in weight loss and health issues. Having lost over 70 pounds and put diabetes into remission is on a quest to learn more about diet and fitness.

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The World's Greatest Diet For Weight Loss And Health

Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as the world's greatest diet. Allow me to explain.

First of all, what would be the attributes of the world's greatest diet?

1. It would be comprised of easily available foods.

2. It would NOT require any fancy measuring or fixing.

3. It would be easy to follow at a friend's dinner party, a fine restaurant, or Mickey Dee's (McDonald's to old fuddy-duddies like me).

4. It would not just help with weight loss and weight management, but with health in general.

5. It would be made up of our favorite foods.


Okay, you can put your hand down. I see it too. It's that "favorite foods" thing, isn't it?

Everybody has different "favorite foods", and we won't even get into gourmet, regional, or ethnic cooking. I'll leave that to my daughter and her husband. (Psst! Seen the pictures of my grandkids?)

Anyway, let's see if we can put together the world's greatest diet for health and weight loss...for you!

You see, there's the rub, as my good friend, though somewhat older than me, Billy Shakespeare would say.

We are all different. We are different ethnically, environmentally, educationally, genetically (ran out of e's), and, dare I say it, sexually. All of these things are important, because they exercise an influence on the results of any diet that anybody tries out.

Hey, there's a good word, "try". How many people do you know who actually stay on a diet...especially for the rest of their lives? I guess we need to add another attribute. The world's greatest diet would have to be one:

6. You could and would stay on for the rest of your life.


Simple. I don't care what diet you go on and how well it works. If it does work and you stop eating according to that diet, over time you will find yourself right back where you are now and wondering where you put this article.

So, to build your "world's greatest diet" we have to go back to the title of this article, "The World's Greatest Diet For Weight Loss And Health". I put "weight loss" AND "health" in there for a reason. There are diets that don't really help you lose weight, there are diets that are not good for your health, and weight loss does not automatically equal health...particularly if that weight loss is accomplished through dieting.

Here we go. It doesn't really matter what foods you eat. You like apple pie, have some apple pie. You like popcorn, have some popcorn. Filet Mignon? Sure, why not.

Let's back up for a minute. A "diet" is simply a list of the foods you eat. In the last few decades, the word has gotten loaded down with all kinds of extra stuff like the pancakes at IHOP. A doctor can give you a "diet" to help you avoid hives, get over a stomach upset, or even to gain weight if that is what is needed for your health.

If that doctor gives you a "diet" that says you can only eat seven foods, he or she would be doing you a grave (pun intended) disservice. In order to get the nutrients your body needs for health AND for weight loss, you need a diversity of foods...and that diversity can range from soup to nuts...or Filet Mignon! You don't have to JUST eat cabbage. You NEED to eat cabbage, hamburgers, biscuits, broccoli, apples, apple pie, chicken, fish, get the idea. You can deny yourself a lot of the foods you like, take a lot of enjoyment out of your life, and even damage your health without even losing any weight by trying weird fad diets and strange pills that cause your body to act in an unnatural manner.

Your personal "greatest diet in the world" is going to be the foods you normally eat and enjoy eating.


Absolutely. It's not about WHAT you eat. It's about two other things:

1. How MUCH you eat, and

2. How you live the rest of your life.

You see, weight loss and health is about balance. The weight loss balance has been known for years. Eat more calories than you use, the excess gets stored as fat. Attempt to use more calories than you eat, your body burns the available fat and abracadabra you have weight loss. However, simply cutting calories down to the bone denies your body nutrients necessary to health and does not allow for the activity that helps keep a body healthy. Exercising (the way we most commonly burn extra calories) while continuing to eat excess calories not only makes it harder to lose weight, but still creates a condition in which our health can be threatened by that excess anyway.

A balanced program for health and weight loss does not deny you the foods you like to eat, it merely tasks you to realize what you are doing to your body and use some self control and limit yourself when food is offered or available. As far as the exercise side of the equation is concerned, "exercise" scares people, so let's just talk about activity. Your exercise program can be gardening, swimming, bicycle riding, yoga, tai-chi; or gardening on Monday, swimming on Tuesday, bicycle riding on Wednesday, yoga on Thursday, and tai-chi on Friday!

There is an old saying: Keep doing what you have been doing, and you will keep getting what you have been getting.

Makers of diet pills and sellers of diet books know that you realize this, so they offer you something that seems to change that no-win equation. The problem is that without actually creating an actual change of the manner in which you eat and exercise, these diet pills and fad diets at best will only temporarily seem to change the actual equation and allow you to lose weight for a short time if at all. They will not make a permanent change in your life or your health, and their "weight loss" effects, if any, will wear out quickly, often leaving you in a worse situation than when you started.

An article such as this is much too short to get into all the various aspects of weight loss, diets, exercise, and health, but the basic equations are simple. Too much weight can adversely affect your health in a multitude of ways. Losing weight in an unhealthy manner may leave you in as bad a state as you were in when you started...or even worse. Combining formal exercise or enjoyable physical activity with a sensible enjoyment of food so that calorie intake and calorie use can be balanced will result in weight loss, health and a lifestyle that will continue to bring benefits for years.

Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer and a University of West Florida alumnus. He is a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he has held many managerial and supervisory positions. However, his main pleasures have long been writing, nature, and fitness. In the last few years, he has been able to combine these pleasures by writing poetry and articles on subjects such as health, fitness, the environment, happiness, self improvement, and weight loss. He occasionally blogs on subjects related to health at and has a website on the subject of weight loss and health at .

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3 Kinds of Exercise For Total Fitness

Following are the 3 types of exercise that are necessary for achieving total health and fitness:

1. Weight or resistance training: The general definition of weight or resistance training is any type of exercise that overloads the muscles of the body and causes them, and ligaments and bones as well, to grow stronger, firmer, and fitter. Following are the general types of weight or resistance type training.

a. Barbell and dumbbells weight training exercises

b. Weight training machines

c. Exercises with cables or resistance type rods or bands

d. Body weight exercises

2. Cardio exercises: Any type of exercise that elevates the heart rate, ideally to your target heart rate based on your age and fitness level, see below:


220-Age (Non-athletic person)

205-Age/2 (Fit person)


226-Age (Non-athletic)


Typical types of cardio exercise training include: Fast walking, jogging, running, stair steppers, cross trainers, bike riding, and other sports like tennis, soccer, or lacrosse. Weight training can also be an effective cardio exercise, if done with only a short rest between sets.

3. Flexibility exercises: Any type of exercises like stretching and yoga designed to increase and maintain the body's flexibility. Flexibility is also important to prevent different type of injuries, and help slow down the aging process. I've found that it's also a key factor in recovery from problems with lower back pain.

What Type of Exercise is Best

I feel that all three types of exercise are important for achieving and maintaining maximum health and fitness. The exact type and amount of exercise you choose should be based on a number of individual factors. Following are some things to consider in developing an exercise program that will enable you to achieve your health and fitness goals:

· Do you want to lose weight or fat? If so, how much?

· Do you want to firm up certain body parts? eg. Slimmer waist, flat stomach, firm arms, or six-pack abs etc. to look more attractive.

· Increase the strength and look of certain body parts?

· Improve your overall health?

· Improve your athletic performance in a certain area?

· Avoid aging, and stay younger longer?

· How much time do you have available to exercise? (keep in mind that a lot can be accomplished in relatively short periods of time eg. 15-30 minutes 3-4 times per week)

· Do you have a gym or exercise facilities available to you? (Even if no, there are many effective exercises that can be done in your home or office in a very short period of time with little or no equipment).

Strength Training

Scientific research has clearly shown that the best way to lose fat is strength training. It works for obese people as well as those just wanting to lose a few pounds and firm up. When we strength train, we add lean muscle mass to our body. This lean muscle mass burns through 35-50 calories per pound of muscle every single day.

Let's take a look at that number from a different point of view. If we have 5 pounds of lean muscle, that muscle will burn about 250 calories a day. Here comes the fun part. If we have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass, then our muscles burn about 500 calories a day. Hopefully you can see why adding lean muscle is the best way to lose fat.

If we couple strength training with cardio training and flexibility exercises, you will have a more complete and beneficial exercise routine:

Walking, jogging, and running are probably the most common for of cardio exercises people are doing today. Bike riding, swimming, cross trainers, dancing, or tennis have also gotten pretty popular.

The issue, however, is not so much the particular form of cardio exercise, but the intensity levels and benefits. In order for an exercise to be considered "cardiovascular" or "aerobic," it needs to elevate your heart rate to 60 to 85 percent of its maximum rate (the fastest it could possibly beat). When you're in the aerobic zone, you should be able to talk, but not able to carry on a long conversation.

Cardio Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise has numerous health benefits. In addition to burning calories and lowering your body fat, it will strengthen your heart and lungs.

While many experts feel that cardiovascular training should last for 30 to 60 minutes, recent research has shown that shorter more intense cardio cycles are much more effective at burning fat and improving your lung, heart, and overall cardio capacity and functioning eg. 3-4 minutes of warm up cardio followed by a 2-3 cycles of alternating 2 minutes of intense exercise followed by 2 minute intervals of lower cardio intensity.

Just fifteen to twenty minutes of high intensity interval cardio can increase your aerobic capacity (VO2max) dramatically, maintains lean muscle mass, boosts your metabolism during and after exercise, and burns more fat calories than 45-60 minutes of low intensity cardio.

Sound too good to be true? It's not. One research study showed participants who engaged in short high intensity training lost 9 times more fat than those who performed long low intensity training.

There are pros and cons to various types of cardio exercises eg. some such as jogging and running may be hard on your knees or lower back, while others may be things that you just do not enjoy doing. The most important thing, however, is to choose a form of cardio exercise that is easily available and something you enjoy doing.

Flexibility Exercises

Regular flexibility exercises like Yoga stretching exercises are also very important to prevent injury, and keep our bodies joints, ligaments, and muscles supple and flexible, especially as we get a little older. It also helps prevent and relieve lower back problems and injuries.

Yoga has been known to prevent muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery between whatever training sessions you give it. Yogic stretching is like a constant battery charger.

It loosens tight muscles, which tend to trap lactic acid, the waste product that accumulates in the muscle cells during other hard training sessions apart from yoga that you may like to partake in.

Increasing flexibility is very important. Yoga also has positions that act upon the whole body including those joints that we never consider exercising.

A body which may have been quite rigid at the beginning of learning a stretching or yoga program will start to experience a remarkable flexibility in all parts, even those parts which have not been consciously worked upon.


While this may at first seem overwhelming to you, it really shouldn't. It really doesn't have to take much time, it doesn't have to be expensive, and it's not that difficult. And you'll find that just a few short 15-20 minute exercise sessions per week will pay huge dividends in improved health and fitness.

So if you want to lose weight, firm up, look and feel better, and stay young longer, look for ways to integrate the 3 types of exercise into your regular schedule.

Larry Kann is an active health and fitness researcher and online health and fitness coach. After recovering from an "incurable disease" and serious lower back injury, Larry went on to dedicate himself to sharing online information, programs, and resources that would help others' achieve excellent, health, fitness, and longevity.

To download Larry's 84 page FREE Special Report "Discover the Secret of Staying Young, and Looking and Feeling Great" go to: []

Additonal information, health and fitness articles, news, and resources can also be accessed on Larry's blog at

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How a Fitness Trainer Can Transform Your Body and Change Your Life - Permanently

How To Find A Quality Personal Trainer

Regardless of your fitness goals, you can benefit from a local Spokane personal trainer. For those who need to lose a few extra pounds to those who need to physically transform their entire body, a trainer can assist you in reaching your unique goals.

That Extra Edge

While the aspect of motivation is not the most effective or important benefit of your Spokane Fitness Trainer, it is a very important one to say the least. The main issue that people seem to have when trying to achieve a greater level of personal health is that they simply lack the motivation to complete their fitness goals.

They learn that the road to reach their individual goals is much harder than they originally anticipated. Your personal fitness trainer can give you that motivational boost necessary to complete all of your fitness goals so that you can reward your body with an improved quality of health. All people will not require the extra motivation from their personal Spokane trainer but the extra boost will help.

The Most Important Benefit

The Fitness Trainer can assist you in managing your fitness plan. The trainer can help you plan every aspect of your workout, from the foods that you eat to the various types of exercises that you do. Since everyone is not an expert on fitness, it is nice to have someone who can show you tips on how you can get the most out of your workout sessions. Your trainer will be there from the first day that you enlist their helpful service, which means that you will have someone watching over your fitness routine even if you are not.

Since you will not have to deal with the stress of planning your fitness schedule, you can place your concentration on reaching your fitness goals and allow the fitness trainer to concentrate on everything else. This is extremely helpful for those with hectic schedules as they will not be forced to keep up with every detail of their personal fitness plan.

Exercise Efficiency

Your fitness trainer will make sure that your exercise sessions are as efficient as possible. Many people exercise with the goal of reaching better health but fail to do so as they are doing the wrong types of exercise. For example, someone trying to build their leg muscle may be participating in exercises that do little or nothing to improve the amount of muscle in their legs. A personal trainer will teach you the exercises that specialize in improving the part(s) of the body that you wish to improve.

Dieting Success: The Ultimate Secret To Rapid Results

A personal fitness trainer will show you the types of foods that you need to eat to reach your desired level of fitness. A regular diet will not provide efficient results for most types of workout plans so it is important that you enlist the help of a fitness trainer to tailor a diet to your individual workout regiment. Your personal trainer will have the knowledge to know which types of foods and nutrients are important to your workout along with the types of foods that you should avoid while reaching your fitness goals.

Reach Your Fitness Goals Permanently

If you are a Spokane resident and are wishing to reach your fitness goals, you should speak with your local fitness trainer today. Your fitness trainer will provide you with the building blocks that will build the road to reach better health if you take the opportunity to enlist their fitness services.

Zach Hunt is the owner, head fitness coach and Personal Trainer Spokane WA of Physzique. A high-end personal fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA which helps it's clients to quickly and permanently drop unwanted fat and transform their body in the quickest time possible.

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Believing in Yourself! The Most Important Step in Natural Health & Weight Loss

There are many steps to gaining Natural Health, Weight Loss and overall Well-Being. One of the things that many people take for granted is the POWER OF THE MIND in helping us achieve our goals.

BELIEVING IN YOURSELF is the most Important Step in improving your Health! It wins hands down! The Power of the Mind is the key to success! If you do not have a good attitude about yourself and what your goals are, then nothing will occur....its that easy. It is essential that you focus your mind, spirit and emotions on achieving your goal. The more you do this, the more it will happen. Yes, to lose weight you still have to watch what you eat, you still have to exercise...but it is important that your mind is in agreement with your body! This agreement is the essential link!

Research shows a few interesting things about this essential link between Mind and Body -

o Our Cell tissue hold the energy patterns of ones attitude and our belief systems o Memory of experiences are stored in Body Tissue o Positive and Negative Experiences register a memory in Cell Tissue as well as in your overall energy field o Every thought continuously feeds every cell of your body o Day-to-day Fearful or Bitter attitudes are biologically negative substances

These factors lead towards a strong conclusion that a POSITIVE BELIEF in your goals and in yourself is Essential to your success!

The positive thing about this is we can change our attitudes and beliefs! We are in control of this change! We can alter a Negative or Bitter belief and make it positive. It is not always easy if its something you have held for many years, but it can be done!

I also have many programs and information on my website that focus on the Power of the Mind and Belief in achieving your health and weight loss goals.

To your Health! Brian

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Achieving a Pro Health Weight Loss Diet - 10 Tips to Follow

Tips to Improve Your Health While On a Weight Loss Diet

1. Eat at the proper time.

Do not be tempted to skip meals. Skipping meals will only slow down your body's metabolism. Divide your meals by five times a day and in minimal amounts. Make lunch your biggest meal and do not forget to eat breakfast. This will serve as your initial energy in starting and setting up your metabolism for the day.

2. Walk as much as you can.

Make it your daily exercise routine in losing weight. You can also have a ten-minute walk after every meal to improve digestion. For those who don't feel like walking, you can just stand in your place to develop muscles and burn calories at the same time.

3. Get to learn about good nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.

4. Try to cut out on salt, sugar and fats on your food recipes.

If you don't want to sacrifice the taste, make your own recipes! Experiment. Substitute herbs and spices instead of salt or non-fat yogurt for cream.

4. Make fruits as your snacks or desserts.

Remember, fruits are fiber which is water. Fruit satisfies sweet tooth and is about 80% water which is important in our body. Practice replacing sodas or diet sodas with fruits in your daily list. Plus, when eating fruits (even vegetables), do not remove its skin as most of the nutrients are found in it.

5. Make a habit to chew slowly the food as this decreases your appetite.

6. Try to have a sugar-free chewing gum in between meals to help you avoid taking on unnecessary foods at the table.

7. Before taking your breakfast, drink warm water with a squeeze of lemon to jump-start your metabolism for the day.

This may also prevent constipation. Or just hot water in the morning instead of water before breakfast.

8. When buying at your favorite grocery store, strictly buy the things that are in your market list. Also, fill in your stomach before going out to the grocery store.

9. Tag along a support mate or a friend to keep you motivated with your weight loss plan.

10. And of course, ask for your doctor's advice prior to following any of these tips and weight loss diet plans.

Applying these tips with the right discipline will give you a sexier, yet, healthier body in the long run. Remember, a pro health weight loss diet plan should not promise fast results but an energetic, livelier body while losing weight.

Want to try other weight loss diet plan but are afraid to choose the wrong one? Try the protein weight loss diet [] and know why can it help you lose weight.

Grab your free weight loss report and other free healthy weight loss tips here: Weight Loss Tips [].

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Health Weight Loss Plan - Does it Really Matter?

Losing weight does matter.

You enjoy many advantages when you trim your waist a few inches and turn those extra pounds of fat into muscles. All you need to do is follow the best health weight loss plan. Do not waste your time on Hollywood diets or expensive weight loss schemes. You can achieve the best results with minimal effort.

Losing weight gives you an aesthetic advantage.

Admit it or not, you attract more possible partners when you don a fat-free, slimmed-down body as compared to flabby physique. You don't need to be an "Adonis" or "Athena" but having a normal weight gives you the best sexual appeal you always want to have. You can even wear the clothes you always crave. You will never wear a tailored dress especially for your size again. You can shake all those layers of clothing just to hide your love handles. If you lose weight, picking up clothes would be easy.

Losing weight gives you a healthy advantage.

Research has proven that people with fewer pounds are less prone to grave illnesses. Strip that fat off and avoid contracting heart diseases, sleep apnea, and respiratory problems. Strip that fat off and normalize you blood sugar and blood pressure. Strip that fat off and stop carrying all those excess pounds everyday.

Losing weight gives you a sex life advantage.

Having extra pounds of fats affects your penile erection. Maximize your sexual stamina in bed by losing weight. Instead of body fats utilizing the nutrients delivered by your bloodstream, divert it to be used for your maximum pleasure. The more you lose weight, the healthier you become. The healthier you are, the more you produce testosterone which boosts stronger muscles and bones.

You do not need to starve yourself just to achieve weight loss. By doing the health weight loss plan for you, you shed pounds and pounds of weight without suffering from starvation. You don't need to get away from the food you like to eat. The key here is choosing the right kind of food for your body's metabolism.

Some plans promise but they don't really deliver.

Examples are Hollywood diets that celebrities claim that they have tried and tested. Sometimes the diet plans are exuberantly expensive with recipes needing ingredients only the rich can afford. Other weight loss plans require you to buy pricey supplements that promise to either "melt" fat, suppress hunger, or curb appetite. However if you stop taking these supplements, you go back to your same big size again. These diet supplements waste your money big time.

The best health weight loss plan knows the right kind of exercise and diet for you. Learn how to lose weight and maintain that weight. Know the secrets and stay healthy the rest of your life.

If you want to know how you can improve your health through a proactive weight loss approach that teaches you how to manipulate and control your body to become a weight loss machine and what to eat and when to eat for maximum weight loss among other things, visit us at Get Trim Fast [] and take full advantage of all our recommendations to lose your weight and keep it off once and for all. Strip That Fat Now []!

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The Major Types Of Weight Loss And Their Causes

The reduction of the total body mass of a person either as a result of dehydration (loss of fluid), loss of fat, some connective tissues and so on is known as weight loss. It can happen intentionally which is the conscious effort of the person or unintentionally which is usually as a result of any underlying disease. There are various reasons why a person will lose weight and these reasons are categorized under the two types of weight loss which are

1. Unintentional loss of weight

2. Intentional loss of weight

UNINTENTIONAL- this is a situation where you lose weight without any physical effort. This type is not voluntary which is to say that the person did not try to lose weight by dieting, exercising or engaging in other habits that could trigger weight loss. Unintentional loss of weight can be triggered by any of the following.

1. Starvation- starvation is simply a state of extreme hunger, which automatically deprives the body of essential nutrients for an unusually long time. When your body is starved you are bound to lose weight.

2. Severe illness- if you are suffering from any severe illness like HIV/AIDS, colon cancer, fibroid, diabetes, overactive or under-active thyroid that is hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism respectively, peptic ulcer and so on you are bound to lose weight. Poor management of some sickness like type 1 diabetes mellitus can also lead to loss of weight.

3. Gastrointestinal disorders- This is the most common cause of weight loss, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer, celiac disease, gastritis are all types of gastrointestinal disorders.

4. Undue Stress- over-working the body can cause your body to use up stored fats as a way of getting energy.

INTENTIONAL- this is also known as voluntary loss of weight, it happens when a person decides to shed unwanted fat or lose weight in order to maintain a lean body or for any other reason. Losing weight in this manner is common as everyone wants to look sexy and fit. Intentional loss of weight features the following.

1. Dieting- this approach to weight loss is the method of using fat burning foods to burn excess fats. A diet like this will feature foods that are either low in calorie like nuts, salmon, beans and so on or foods that contain healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Exercise- this involves engaging in certain weight loss exercise, there are some exercises that can help you lose weight fast, exercises like running, swimming, running on a tread mill, crunches, sit-up and so on are examples of weight loss exercises.

Find one more healthy weight loss recipes [] secrets that once you apply it, you will have the perfect body you have always desired in 3 weeks. Find other weight loss secrets & tips by going to: []

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Methods of Faking Instant Weight Loss

he allure of an instant weight loss type of situation is one that most plump people cannot deny. There are those which are so much obsessed with it that they are going to use any means even in cases where their methods have failed. However the various tricks that they employ can be easily identified, since the first one is usually standing up straight. A slouched look has been known to add weight to people's frames, albeit visually. You will notice that someone who has been on an instant weight loss program which backfired suddenly assuming an upright posture.

The other method through which such people tend to fake instant weight gain is through wearing the tight underwear. It is logical that tight garments are known to create a silhouette that is lump free. The bumping and bunching which occurs when tight fitting underwear is worn is usually temporarily eradicated. When such undergarment is worn, the physical outlook is that of a different body outlook altogether, and it is often a less flabby outlook as one would expect. Of course with the technological advancement being currently experienced, there are garments that are being manufactured to portray the total opposite of the real picture.

The other method used by those faking instant weight loss is wearing of well fitting clothes. The effect here is a visual weight gain. Ladies are often advised to wear heels, since they tend to visually create a picture of a leaner frame. All these methods are aimed at faking the entire process and physical outlook.

Instant Weight Loss [] is the number one portal for purchasing cheap and natural weight loss supplements.

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